Business owners in Ohio have a lot on their plate when starting out. You must come up with a company name, pick a structure, and decide what you want your business's future to look like. You also have to deal with the legalities. Among this havoc, you may think you do...
Firm News
What is a postnuptial agreement?
While most people are familiar with prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements are less common. These are legal agreements developed after a couple has already been married that dictate what would happen if that couple should eventually divorce. While postnuptial...
What is gray divorce and why is it on the rise?
When Ohio couples have been married for a long time and decide it is time to end the marriage, the term used to describe the process is known as gray divorce. Psychology Today states that gray divorce rates are on the rise, although overall divorce rates for those...
Do you need a prenuptial agreement?
Many people mistakenly believe that only the wealthy need a prenuptial agreement before marriage. In fact, this type of legal agreement can provide peace of mind for anyone who wants to protect his or her business, preserve specific assets or provide for children from...
Could counseling help you avoid divorce?
Rather than look at your spouse with an adoring smile like you once did, lately, you return to your marital home in Ohio greeting your husband or wife a grimace or sigh of frustration. You feel it is time to start thinking about divorce. Before you make a final...
Is your marriage over?
As a happy couple about to be married in Ohio, the last thing you are worried about is divorce. The truth is that almost half of the marriages in the country end in divorce and it may come your way no matter how hard you try to avoid it. Staying in an unhappy...
Can wedding debt be a predictor of divorce?
It's easy for wedding expenses to get out of hand. Some couples start out with a strict wedding budget, only to exceed it to get the perfect dress, a sought-after venue and any number of tempting choices of flowers, food and gifts for the wedding party. As the guest...
How to tell an older loved one that it’s time to stop driving
Many senior citizens don't willingly stop driving. Having a car -- even if you only use it to run a few errands once a week -- means independence. In fact, according to a recent study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, some 83% of seniors say they've never even...
What does it mean to be held in contempt of court?
Too often, when divorced parents aren't able to deal with one another amicably, one parent's misunderstanding of the terms of the custody and visitation agreement or other court order can result in a contempt of court allegation by the other parent. Sometimes, a...
Common questions associated with shared custody
While not always the case, children typically benefit when they're able to maintain a relationship with both parents after a divorce. A growing number of Ohio courts are in favor of a shared custody agreement, which allows both parents to share responsibilities and...